Top 10 Haunted Places in Colorado

Haunted Places in Colorado, Buzzonnet

Haunted Places in Colorado : Colorado, known for its stunning natural beauty and outdoor adventures, also holds a darker secret – it is home to some of the most haunted places in the country. From historic hotels to eerie ghost towns, this state has no shortage of spine-chilling stories and unexplained phenomena. If you’re a thrill-seeker or simply fascinated by the supernatural, join us as we embark on a journey through the haunted corners of Colorado. Brace yourself for tales that will send shivers down your spine and make you question what lies beyond our realm. Get ready to explore the haunted places in Colorado if you dare!

10 Haunted Places in Colorado

1. The Stanley Hotel

Haunted Places in Colorado, Buzzonnet

Nestled in the scenic town of Estes Park, The Stanley Hotel is an iconic landmark that boasts a haunting reputation. Known as the inspiration behind Stephen King’s spine-chilling novel, “The Shining,” this grand hotel has captivated visitors with its eerie atmosphere and ghostly legends.

Step inside and you’ll be transported back in time to the early 1900s. The hallways whisper with secrets from years gone by, while guests have reported strange occurrences such as flickering lights and unexplained footsteps echoing through empty corridors.

One of the most famous tales involves Room 217, where author Stephen King himself stayed during his visit. It is said that he encountered a spectral presence in his room which inspired many scenes in his chilling novel.

If you’re feeling particularly brave, join one of the hotel’s nightly ghost tours led by knowledgeable guides who share spine-tingling stories about paranormal encounters within these historic walls. Perhaps you’ll catch a glimpse of Flora Stanley herself, the spirited founder who is rumored to still oversee her beloved establishment even after death.

Whether or not you believe in ghosts, there’s no denying that The Stanley Hotel exudes an undeniable aura of mystery and intrigue. So if you’re up for a thrilling adventure filled with history and supernatural tales, make sure to pay this haunted hotspot a visit – but be prepared for an unforgettable experience that may leave your heart racing long after you’ve left its hallowed halls.

2. Molly Brown House

Haunted Places in Colorado, Buzzonnet

Located in the heart of Denver, the Molly Brown House is not only a beautiful historic landmark but also rumored to be haunted. This Victorian-style mansion was once home to Margaret “Molly” Brown, who became famous for surviving the sinking of the Titanic.

Visitors have reported strange occurrences while touring the house, such as doors opening and closing on their own and hearing footsteps when no one else is around. Some even claim to have seen apparitions or felt cold spots throughout the building.

So if you’re looking for a dose of history mixed with some spooky tales, make sure to add the Molly Brown House to your list of haunted places to visit in Colorado!

3. Phantom Canyon Road

Haunted Places in Colorado, Buzzonnet

Phantom Canyon Road, nestled in the heart of Colorado, is a hauntingly beautiful stretch that harbors its fair share of ghostly legends. As you wind your way through this scenic byway, you may find yourself feeling an eerie sense of unease. Legends say that the spirits of miners who met untimely ends still roam these narrow curves and shadowy canyons.

Whether you believe in ghosts or not, there’s no denying the allure and mystery that surrounds Phantom Canyon Road. The combination of natural beauty and supernatural tales makes for an unforgettable journey through Colorado’s haunted past. So if you’re up for an adventure filled with spine-tingling thrills and breathtaking views, don’t be afraid to take a drive down Phantom Canyon Road…if you dare!

4. The Broadmoor

Haunted Places in Colorado, Buzzonnet

The Broadmoor, nestled in the beautiful Colorado Springs, is not just a luxury resort but also rumored to be haunted. With its stunning architecture and rich history, it’s no wonder that spirits may linger within its walls.

One of the most notable ghostly encounters at The Broadmoor is that of a young girl named Isabel. Legend has it that she drowned in Cheyenne Lake and now haunts the resort. Guests have reported seeing her apparition wandering around the lake or even inside their rooms.

Guests have also reported strange occurrences such as flickering lights, unexplained cold spots, and objects moving on their own. While some might find these experiences unsettling, others embrace them as part of The Broadmoor’s unique charm.

Whether you’re seeking out paranormal activity or simply looking for a luxurious escape, The Broadmoor offers an unforgettable experience. From its breathtaking views to its world-class amenities and perhaps even encounters with the supernatural – this historic hotel has it all!

5. Highlands Ranch Mansion

Haunted Places in Colorado, Buzzonnet

Highlands Ranch Mansion is a historic landmark located in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. This beautiful mansion has a rich history dating back to the early 1900s and is said to be haunted by several spirits.

One of the most well-known ghosts that haunts the mansion is said to be Mrs. Hughes, who was one of the original owners. People have reported seeing her ghostly figure wandering through the halls and even sitting in one of the rooms, as if she’s still overseeing her beloved home.

Another ghostly presence often felt at Highlands Ranch Mansion is that of a young girl. Visitors have reported hearing giggles and footsteps coming from empty rooms, as well as feeling a cold breeze brush past them when no windows or doors are open.

If you’re brave enough to visit Highlands Ranch Mansion, you may just experience some paranormal encounters yourself. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, it’s hard to deny the eerie atmosphere that surrounds this haunted location.

Read Other: Top 10 Haunted Places in Indiana

6. Central City Masonic Cemetery

Haunted Places in Colorado, Buzzonnet

Tucked away in the historic mining town of Central City, Colorado lies a cemetery shrouded in mystery and whispers of the supernatural. The Central City Masonic Cemetery has long been rumored to be haunted, with locals and visitors recounting chilling encounters that send shivers down your spine.

As you wander through the rows of weathered headstones, an eerie silence fills the air. Some claim to have seen shadowy figures darting between graves, while others hear disembodied voices carrying on the wind. It’s as if those who were laid to rest here still linger in these hallowed grounds.

Whether you’re a believer in ghosts or simply intrigued by tales of hauntings, a visit to Central City Masonic Cemetery offers an opportunity for spine-tingling exploration into Colorado’s haunted past. Just be prepared for an encounter with something otherworldly – if you dare step foot inside its gates.

7. The Patterson Inn

Haunted Places in Colorado, Buzzonnet

The Patterson Inn, located in Denver, Colorado, is known for its elegant Victorian architecture and rich history. This historic bed and breakfast has a reputation for being haunted, with guests reporting strange occurrences during their stay.

One of the most famous ghost stories associated with The Patterson Inn involves the spirit of Mrs. Thomas M. Patterson herself, the original owner of the mansion. It is said that her presence can be felt throughout the inn, particularly in Room 9 where she allegedly passed away.

Guests have reported hearing footsteps and whispers late at night when no one else is around. Some even claim to have seen apparitions or felt an icy chill in certain areas of the building. These paranormal encounters add an extra layer of intrigue to an already charming and atmospheric setting.

If you’re brave enough to spend a night at The Patterson Inn, be prepared for a potentially hair-raising experience. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, there’s no denying that this historic landmark holds secrets from another time just waiting to be discovered by those who dare to visit.

8. Hotel Colorado

Haunted Places in Colorado, Buzzonnet

Located in Glenwood Springs, Hotel Colorado is not only known for its beautiful architecture and stunning mountain views but also for its haunted history. Built in 1893, this grand hotel has seen its fair share of ghostly encounters over the years.

One of the most famous spirits said to haunt Hotel Colorado is that of a young girl named Caroline. Legend has said that Caroline died tragically on the premises and her spirit still lingers, making her presence known to guests and staff alike. Visitors have reported hearing giggles or seeing a playful shadow darting through the halls.

Another haunting tale revolves around a former chambermaid who allegedly committed suicide by jumping from one of the upper floors. Guests have reported feeling an eerie presence near Room 661, which is believed to be where she stayed during her time at the hotel.

Aside from these specific stories, many people claim to feel an overall sense of unease or see unexplained shadows throughout various areas of the hotel. Whether you’re a believer in ghosts or not, there’s no denying that Hotel Colorado carries an air of mystery and intrigue that adds to its charm.

If you’re brave enough to spend a night at Hotel Colorado, keep your eyes peeled for any paranormal activity – you never know what ghostly encounter awaits you!

9. Hotel Jerome

Haunted Places in Colorado, Buzzonnet

Hotel Jerome is a historic hotel located in the heart of Aspen, Colorado. Built in 1889, this iconic building has a rich history and reputation for being haunted. It is said that the spirit of a young boy named Walter haunts the halls of Hotel Jerome.

Guests have reported hearing footsteps running up and down the corridors late at night, no one was found when they have investigated. Some have even claimed to catch glimpses of a young boy wearing old-fashioned clothing disappearing into thin air.

The paranormal activity doesn’t stop there. Many visitors have felt an eerie presence in their rooms, as if someone unseen is watching them while they sleep. Others have experienced unexplained cold spots or sudden drops in temperature.

If you’re brave enough to stay at Hotel Jerome, be sure to keep your eyes peeled for any supernatural encounters. Who knows? You might just have your own ghostly tale to tell after spending a night in this haunted haven!

10. St. Elmo Ghost Town

Haunted Places in Colorado, Buzzonnet

Tucked away in the heart of Colorado’s Sawatch Range, St. Elmo Ghost Town is a hauntingly beautiful destination that transports visitors back in time. Once a bustling mining town during the late 1800s, it now stands frozen in history, its weathered buildings and empty streets serving as eerie reminders of its past.

As you wander through St. Elmo, you can’t help but feel a sense of unease wash over you.
One particular building that sends shivers down visitors’ spines is the old schoolhouse. Its creaking floors and cracked windows seem to hold echoes of children’s laughter and the sounds of learning from decades past.

Legend says that St. Elmo Ghost Town is also home to a few resident spirits who refuse to leave their beloved town behind. Many have reported encountering ghostly figures wandering amongst the ruins or feeling unseen hands brush against their skin.

For those seeking an otherworldly adventure, St. Elmo Ghost Town offers an opportunity to step into another realm – one where time stands still and spirits roam freely amidst crumbling facades and forgotten dreams.

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