Best Courses In Business : These courses may be free, but if you buy anything through the links below, the editor of Personal Growth (Dan — that’s me writing this) will receive a finders fee. The courses or websites listed below are not recommendations. All I know is that the courses seem to have high ratings. The descriptions below are copied and pasted from the websites. Thank you for your support. (Image Source: Canva)
Best Courses In Business
The Complete MBA in One Course: Award-Winning Business School Professors

In this course, students will learn the most important topics taught at the world’s top MBA schools…from starting a business to taking it public.
Digital Marketing in the 21st Century

By shifting power from firms to consumers, digital tools, such as the Internet, smartphones, and 3D printing, are revolutionizing marketing.
A Complete Course For Financial Analysts

In this course, you will learn accounting, financial statement analysis, business analysis, financial math, and PowerPoint. Among them are interest rates, loan calculations, time value of money, cash flow value, what drives a business, and much more.
Specialization in Business Foundations

Learn to develop basic literacy in the language of business, which you can use to transition to a new career, start or improve your own small business, or apply to business school to pursue your education. In addition to learning the basics of marketing, accounting, operations, and finance, you will develop a go-to-market strategy to solve a real business challenge that applies the skills you’ve learned.
Analytic Techniques For Business With Excel to MySQL

With this specialization, you’ll learn to frame business challenges as data questions. You’ll analyze data, build forecasts and models, design visualizations, and communicate your insights using powerful tools and methods.
Specialization in Business Analytics

As part of this specialization, you will learn how data analysts describe, predict, and inform business decisions in marketing, human resources, finance, and operations. You’ll also gain an analytical mindset that will help you make strategic decisions based on data and basic data literacy.
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An Introduction to Finance, Accounting, Modeling, and Valuation

By taking this course, you will gain an understanding of how to create, analyze, and forecast income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, as well as how to value companies using a variety of valuation methods.
Analyzing Real Estate Investments: Fundamentals

This book includes information on rental income properties, fix-and-flips, multifamily apartments, commercial properties, and land development.
The Best Way to Start An Amazon FBA Store On a Tight Budget

Follow along with over-the-shoulder demonstrations to learn how to become an Amazon FBA seller from scratch and make a full-time income.
Specialization in Strategic Leadership and Management

Learn the fundamentals to effectively lead people and teams, manage organizations, as well as tools to analyze business situations and develop strategies. To create and capture value for sustainable competitive advantage, organizations need strategic, human resource, and
Freelancer’s Course by Seth Godin

The course begins with an introduction to what it means to be a freelancer, regardless of what industry you work in. By viewing the world the way your clients do, you’ll realize you can control your career, regardless of your previous experience.
Storytelling is the Key to Powering Your Podcast

Find out how to develop your narrative instincts, prepare for an interview to get the best answers, and what makes a good story with Alex Blumberg, award-winning journalist and producer.
Specialization in Entrepreneurship

Wharton’s top professors and current start-up founders and financiers will help you develop an entrepreneurial mindset and hone the skills you need to start a new business with growth potential and funding, or identify and pursue opportunities for growth within an existing organization, with guidance from their top professors.